The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Law, Al-Qadisiyah University, held a training course entitled (Safety of the Arabic Language in Official Correspondence) for two consecutive days in the conference room and one of the classrooms in the college, and in the presence of the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies, Professor Dr. Adnan Uriel Obaid, where the Assistant Professor, Dr. Sondos Muhammad Abbas The course witnessed the presence and participation of distinguished employees.

The course included several topics, the most important of which are:

1- How to avoid linguistic errors in spelling in administrative correspondence

2- Rules for writing the number and its uses in administrative books

3- The rules of writing the hamza and avoiding the wrong writing in it

4- Punctuation marks and their uses

5- Common linguistic errors in administrative books

6- The training course concluded with a test for the participating employees

The course aims to train employees and develop their capabilities in preparing official books and avoiding common spelling and linguistic errors in writing these books in order to preserve the integrity of the Arabic language.

The course recommended the need to develop linguistic culture capabilities and continue language safety courses for college staff to raise the level of written expression, in addition to a continuous focus on what should not be followed linguistically and grammatically.